Before Installing... Make sure you have Vision 2.5 installed on your computer. For copy protection purposes, Vision 2.5.1 relies on a file that is installed with Vision 2.5. ============================================================ VISION 2.5.1 FOR WINDOWS ============================================================ This Read Me file documents the following items: 1. System Requirements 2. Manual Addendum 3. Known Problems 4. What's New in 2.5.1 5. Uninstallers 6. Technical Support Options ------------------------------------------------------------ 1. SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ------------------------------------------------------------ To use Vision 2.5.1 for Windows, you need: - IBM PC 486/66MHz or faster - Windows 3.1 or Windows 95 - 12 MB RAM (16 MB recommended) - 8 MB free hard disk space - Windows compatible MIDI Interface or Sound Card ------------------------------------------------------------ 2. MANUAL ADDENDUM ------------------------------------------------------------ Following are some items not covered in your Vision and OMS manuals: -- OMS Setup Help There is an extensive Windows Help file accessible from within OMS Setup. Simply select "OMS Topics" from OMS Setup's Help menu. Subjects covered include Creating a New Studio Setup, Defining MIDI Devices, Connecting Devices in your Studio Setup, and Testing your Studio Setup Document. For a more in-depth explanation of these topics and others see your OMS Manual. -- OMS Setup Icons In order to display the 8Port/SE (Studio Setup) icon shown in the OMS Manual, version 1.5 of the 8Port's Windows driver must be installed. At the time of Vision's release this driver was not yet available. Check Opcode's Web site for its availability or contact Customer Support. -- OMS Folder Page 4 of your OMS Manual mistakenly states that the OMS Setup program is placed inside a folder called "OMSAPPS." The actual name of this folder is "OMS" and it contains a number of OMS related files, along with the OMS Setup program. -- Exporting MIDI Files When exporting MIDI files in Vision you must un-mute any tracks you want included. Otherwise, Vision assumes you do no want those tracks exported as part of the MIDI file. ------------------------------------------------------------ 3. KNOWN PROBLEMS ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Slower CPUs and Sysex CPUs with a clock speed of 50MHz or less may experience some problems with recording system exclusive data. Keep in mind, these CPUs are below the recommended system requirements. -- MMC and Loop Mode If set to MMC, Vision's loop mode does not function properly. The program will let you set IN and OUT points and turn on loop mode, but the tape never actually rewinds. -- Real Time Capturing Sequences Capturing triggered sequences in real time may cause Vision to crash. ------------------------------------------------------------ 4. WHAT'S NEW IN 2.5.1 ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Fixed memory problems which might have led to crashes during prolonged use. -- Fixed random crashes while sending or receiving MIDI Time Code. -- Fixed crashes due to some sysex messages. -- Fixed several problems related to the Names window. -- Patch groupings, including groupings by bank, are now available. -- The control bar no longer disappears, enlarges, or draws with a while line over it due to corrupt preferences. -- Enhanced the chasing of program changes. -- Sysex messages will no longer inhibit subsequent program changes from being sent. -- Improved the library of Factory Names Documents. ------------------------------------------------------------ 5. UNINSTALLERS ------------------------------------------------------------ The installer for Vision 2.5.1 installs 2 batch files into your Opcode folder. -- Double click on DelPrefs.bat to delete all your Opcode Preferences, Setups, and Studio Setups. You should use this batch file if you are experiencing multiple consecutive crashes. -- Double click on DelApps.bat to delete all files related to Vision, OMS, OMS Setup, and the Opcode shortcuts in your Start Menu. This batch file doesn't delete your Preferences and Setups. If you want to completely delete all Opcode software then run DelPrefs.bat followed by DelApps.bat. These applications are DOS based, and are not as smart as the installer. They will work correctly only if: -- You have not changed the names of the installed files. -- You have preserved the directory names: c:\opcode\oms, c:\opcode\vision, & c:\windows. If you have changed the names of files or directories then you may want open the batch files in an editor. The batch files at least provide a listing of the installed files so that you may delete the files on your own if you so desire. ------------------------------------------------------------ 6. SUPPORT OPTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------ Customer Support - Monday thru Friday, 9:00am to 12:00pm & 2:00pm to 5:00pm Times are Pacific Standard and hours are subject to change. - Customer Service: 415-856-3333 - Technical Support: 415-812-3205 - 24 Hr Automated Technical Support: 415-812-3207 - Fax: 415-856-0777 - Fax Retrieval Hotline: 415-812-3207 Press 3 to get into the fax-back system. To get the list of available documents enter 1000#. Internet Access - Email Address: - World Wide Web: - FAQs - FTP Site: -- International Support If you live outside the U.S. or Canada, please contact the Opcode distributor in your country. Distributors can help you with registration, upgrade information and technical information. -- Free 90 Day Phone and Fax Support U.S. and Canadian customers receive 90 days of free technical support. Your free 90 days of phone or fax support begin the first time you call the numbers listed above and receive help from a service representative (not the switchboard). You can use any of the other options without affecting this 90 day period. -- Support phone lines can be very busy at certain times of the day, especially from 9:00am to 10:30am and 3:00pm to 5:00pm PST. The busiest days are Monday and Friday, or any day following a national holiday. If you get a busy signal when calling it means that all technicians are with customers and the waiting queue is full.