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Author Topic: Cracking Opcode Vision hehe  (Read 15053 times)

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Offline hageir

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Cracking Opcode Vision hehe
« on: July 20, 2019, 01:52:44 PM »
From inside the image of Opcode Vision 2.0.8 disk 1 of 2:
this is just part of it, there's a bunch more information there...
Code: [Select]
���������������������������������������������������u�AAn olderA newerAuthorization in progressReauthorization in progressDeauthorization in progress
Authorize as:��4������o�N�É�û Authorize������o�ÉVQuit�����ob�É≤Continue������O�I≤à°This copy of ^0 is not authorized to run on your hard disk.  Select Authorize to enable this copy to run on your hard disk without requiring the master diskette.������I�O�i≤à4Select Continue to run this copy or Quit to quit ^0.��� �'��Ø÷$æUU���¸������O_�cØCancel������G�I∞à«The authorization for this application must be reverified at this time.  Your hard disk authorization count will not be affected.  Please insert the original master diskette into any available drive.������
��*�4†}���� �'��è”eUU���∫������OJ�cöCancel������G�IöàÜYour diskette '^3' must be write enabled in order to proceed.  Please write enable and reinsert the diskette into any available drive.�����
��*�4†}���� �'��èæW9UU���¢������?M�SùCancel������G�9ùàmYour original master diskette is required at this time.  Please insert the diskette into any available drive.������
��*�4†}���� �'��¡DUU��t������É�O�ó�üSetup…�����É��óPQuit�����É\�ó¨Continue������O�I¨àÅYou are running ^0 from the master diskette.  Authorized copies can run on your hard disk without requiring this master diskette.������I�O�}¨àóSelect Setup to install or remove authorization for any available hard disk.  Select Continue to run this master copy or Quit to quit this application.���� �'��√–mbUU���¬������NX�b®OK�����N�¸�bLCancel������O�H®àé^0 copy of ^1 is already installed on this hard disk.  Would you like to replace it?  Your hard disk authorization count will not be affected.��� �'��éÃPkUU���˙������\F�pñOK�����\�Í�p:Cancel������O�Vñà≈The master diskette you inserted is not the one you originally used to authorize this application.  If you use this new master diskette to perform the authorization, your count will be decremented.���� �'��ú∫+ÛUU���ˆ������\F�pñOK�����\�Í�p:Cancel������O�Vñà¬The master diskette you inserted is not the one you originally used to install this application.  If you use this new master diskette to remove authorization, your count will not be incremented.��� �'��ú∫{
UU���z������\^�pÆOK������G�VÆàY^0 is now authorized to run on "^1".  You have a remaining authorization count of ^2.  ^3���� �'��ú“EáDD���Ñ������\^�pÆOK������G�VÆàdAuthorization to run ^0 has been removed from "^1".  You have a remaining authorization count of ^2.��� �'��ú“ DD���∫������\^�pÆOK������G�VÆàô^0 is now authorized to run on "^1".  You have a remaining authorization count of ^2.  To deathorize this copy, run ^0 from the original master diskette.���� �'��ú“%WDD���Ã������NX�b®OK�����N�¸�bLCancel������O�H®àóThe SCSI hard disk associated with your previously installed authorization is not present.  Select OK to authorize this volume again or Cancel to quit.���� �'��éÃHöUU���p������\^�pÆOK������G�VÆàPYour authorization count on the master diskette has been successfully set to ^0.��� �'��ú“\DD��v������Ñt�òƒQuit�����Ñ�6�ò�ä Authorize������Ñ�ñ�ò�Í Deauthorize�������6�Iƒà^0 will run on any authorized hard disk without requiring the master diskette.  You have a remaining authorization count of ^1.������
� �*�+†}�����Ñt�òƒÄ������I�6�~ƒàvSelect Authorize to install authorization to a hard disk or Deauthorize to remove authorization.  Select Quit to quit.����/�
�À���������H-���������ÉJ�óöOK�����É�Ó�ó>Cancel������:�ä}������ÉJ�óöÄ������d�:�}ö0Make a copy of the application on the hard disk.������:�aöàxClick OK to authorize ^0 to run on the selected hard disk.  If successful, your authorization count will be decremented.������
�(�-†}���� � �ºØ���������B\���������w9�ãâOK�����w�›�ã-Cancel������:�ä}�����w9�ãâÄ�������:�qäà°Click OK to deauthorize the selected hard disk.  If successful, your authorization count will be incremented and your master diskette will be required to run ^0.�������
�(�-†}���� �'�∞∫���������*����Z������=��Q@Cancel������ �9àCopying file to hard disk:�������3,Ä������=��Q@Ä�����—�V'†���������qµ������������ �[à^2 ^3…����X�&�zë�������Yî���d�
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John Smith�����µ�ò�≈öà������Œ�ò�fiö0������È�ò�˘ö����� X®Ä�������@�H§àπThis software is unauthorized.  In order to use this software, you need verbal authorization.  Please call the customer service department to speak to a customer service representative.������ú�@�¨�èà
Your name:�����µ�@�≈�èà
Challenge:�����È�@�˘�èàReply:�����J�@�å§à™Enter your name, then read the challenge to the service representative.  The representative will give you a reply and/or a serial number which you must enter to continue.����� ��)�0†}�����Œ�@�fi�èà Serial #:�����!�CÃ���������G+����!�����P���ˇ��ˇÛ��}�

The last lines!
If only it were deauthorized :-[
^2. points to the count amount, so to speak, I don't know what what language this was originally written in, so it's probably very hard to hack it.
ResCompare (has been used before to crack these Opcode apps) might be the solution,
but I can't read HEX.

Reading the Galaxy Installation manual gives a bit of insight into how the protection works,
it even mentions "Do not try to edit the hidden file 'Galaxy auth -1 with ResEdit' or something like that!!

I have a feeling that using NybbleMaster and the modified DiskCopy 5.5 (hacked to allow Master Disk copying and writing) with a completely untouched, original Vision floppy, it's possible to duplicate it, with the authorization system (but the ability to clone it before)

« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 01:54:27 PM by hageir »

Offline chrisNova777

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Re: Cracking Opcode Vision hehe
« Reply #1 on: July 20, 2019, 02:02:37 PM »
challenge/authorize usually requires taking a nmber/letter sequence it gives and running some type of processing to get the authorization string; it appears it would require a keygen

Offline hageir

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Re: Cracking Opcode Vision hehe
« Reply #2 on: July 20, 2019, 02:14:20 PM »
I believe this part of the "code" is the "Cryptographer" (screenshot)

I've been looking around the marketplaces for some floppies and they seem very scarce.. Let alone an untouched one?
Heck, I'm even thinking of emailing Oppenheim to see if he has any old archives!

The only other Master disk I have is a Cubasis for Mac (a friend gave it to me)
but it's in the same state; the computers it has been installed on haven't been deauthorized...
But I also managed to perfectly duplicate it with the instructions I sent you in PM (actually NybbleMaster can save the read image as a DiskCopy 4.x .image so no need for ShrinkWrap -I used it because DiskCopy 5.5 Modified couldn't read all .image filetypes)

So if you have a Master Disk that has authorizations on it, you can maybe try duplicating it, set aside the original and then try to install and authorize with a "properly" copied floppy?
« Last Edit: July 20, 2019, 02:15:07 PM by hageir »

Offline protrusion

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Re: Cracking Opcode Vision hehe
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2020, 11:31:02 AM »

I have a Vision 2.0.8 master disk.  I also have a Vision 3.5.6 key disk, which has one authorization left on it.

I thought the way these key disks work, is that they have an intentional flaw on the disk which produces a read error on some specific track(s).  This makes them hard to copy, because most disk copiers cannot duplicate errors.  Maybe I'm wrong.

I'd be happy to make DART and/or Disk Copy images of these two disks for research purposes.


Offline hageir

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Re: Cracking Opcode Vision hehe
« Reply #4 on: March 03, 2021, 01:35:42 PM »

I have a Vision 2.0.8 master disk.  I also have a Vision 3.5.6 key disk, which has one authorization left on it.

I thought the way these key disks work, is that they have an intentional flaw on the disk which produces a read error on some specific track(s).  This makes them hard to copy, because most disk copiers cannot duplicate errors.  Maybe I'm wrong.

I'd be happy to make DART and/or Disk Copy images of these two disks for research purposes.


That would be interesting.
I did find a way to completely clone a disk (using Nibbler and Norton Ghost-something)
it was a different method which copies a floppy disk but by bit (or sector by sector I don’t remember)

You would need to do it on an older computer using these programs (I can send them to you if you want!)

Offline motosega

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Re: Cracking Opcode Vision hehe
« Reply #5 on: March 10, 2021, 07:45:54 PM »
You can use multidisk to create an virtual partition, authorise it, then copy the virtual partition, and then deauthorise  the copied partition....

I'm not sure if you can make a copy of the authorisation disk and then restore an authorisation to it with the above technique, but you can certainly copy the authorised multidisk partition file and post it here...

Offline motosega

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Re: Cracking Opcode Vision hehe
« Reply #6 on: March 10, 2021, 07:49:54 PM »

Offline zeeshanahmed

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Re: Cracking Opcode Vision hehe
« Reply #7 on: March 17, 2021, 01:51:56 AM »
Vision is a music sequencing program, and Opcode's successor to the aptly named Sequencer, itself the successor to the even earlier MIDIMAC Sequencer. When audio editing capabilities were eventually added, Vision was initially renamed to "Audio Vision", eventually being renamed once again to the more familiar Studio Vision.
Unlike most sequencers that came after, MIDI management is handled from with the Vision application via MIDI Setup.

Music & Sound
Opcode Systems
Year released:
Opcode Systems
System 6.x
Mini vMac (68k)

Offline hageir

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Re: Cracking Opcode Vision hehe
« Reply #8 on: February 23, 2024, 08:16:00 PM »
You can use multidisk to create an virtual partition, authorise it, then copy the virtual partition, and then deauthorise  the copied partition....

I'm not sure if you can make a copy of the authorisation disk and then restore an authorisation to it with the above technique, but you can certainly copy the authorised multidisk partition file and post it here...

Hey hey, long time. I landed a huge collection of Opcode Vision floppies and manuals. Some of them sadly have no authorizations left. But some do; mainly 1.4 and 2.0.3 (or 2.0.8).

I just started experimenting with this process again, tonight. I actually managed to do this exactly; I installed the 2.0.3 version onto my Mac, used an old patcher I have and it restored the authorization back onto the Master disk and the program runs fine (like it's still authorized).
I haven't found a way to do it for the 1.4 version, but I might if I keep trucking!

Sidenote, I've made various attempts at copying/duplicating an original Master Floppy (with auths) and it is a more complex process like we've discussed before...

Offline chrisNova777

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Re: Cracking Opcode Vision hehe
« Reply #9 on: March 07, 2024, 01:37:43 AM »
i gave up on this because of some other people who kept telling me lies about how easy this would be to accomplish yet they never dedicated any time or effort into even trying. i have vision working on my performa 5200CD authorized via floppy