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Author Topic: c-lab creator v1.3 (1988) for ATARI ST *cracked*  (Read 17396 times)

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Offline chrisNova777

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c-lab creator v1.3 (1988) for ATARI ST *cracked*
« on: July 21, 2017, 12:58:56 PM »

link to /Creator_v1.3_(1988) (C-Lab)
Code: [Select][cr_Ten_Crew]/118275
does anyone know if this works?

Offline Mixermap

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Re: cracked creator v1.3
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2017, 07:28:01 PM »
I've just tested it on my Atari STE and it works fine.
I loaded it up and recorded a couple of tracks with no issues.

To start the "cracked" version load 1_LOADER.PRG

The CREATOR.PRG file itself is not cracked and the program will freeze on the main screen.

However, the uncracked file will actually run with ANY C-Lab dongle, including a Notator one!
I tested it with Creator 2.2, Creator 3 and Notator 3 dongle and they all work.

It's a bit odd because normally Notator and Creator dongles are not interchangeable.

Running the program with a dongle instead of the crack actually gives you an extra bit of free memory (note that my Atari has 4MB so on a 1MB machine the difference would have been sizeable). See Pictures.

On the subject of dongles and versions: a Creator 3 dongle will run ANY previous version of Creator from the very first and a Notator 3 dongle will run ANY Notator version from the earliest one.
This is not true for Steinberg and Cubase: each main Atari version (1, 2 or 3) requires its own dongle although "Score" dongles will run their equivalent "standard" version (my Cubase Score 2.07 dongle runs Cubase "standard" 3.1)

Apologies for the digression :)))

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Re: cracked creator v1.3
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2017, 03:01:08 AM »
so is it possible to use this cracked creator version with ANY ATARI ST (even 520ST)
i read that creator doesnt need more than 512k ram
is that true>?

pretty old cracked copy . 1988! thats goin back!
i was 11 at the time :D lol
i always wanted an atari but had to make do
with the choices of my parents;
 286 IBM/AT + tandy 1000 systems

Offline Mixermap

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Re: cracked creator v1.3
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2017, 06:13:16 AM »
I've done some further testing...

Unfortunately it won't run with only 512KB of RAM.
I tried it in Steem, setting it as a 520STF and Creator crashes with a "Memory Panic" error.
I don't have a 520ST to try it in "real life".
Since the crack uses quite a bit of memory, it MAY be possible to run on a 520ST in "uncracked" mode (see above post) with a C-Lab dongle of any later version.

Of course, I cannot try that out in Steem 'cause my Asus laptop does not have a cartridge port :D

I found these two reviews of Version 1.2 (which seems to have been the first version commercially released in the UK):
Sound On Sound November 1987
Music Technology December 1987

:D we could only dream of a 286AT here in UK in 1988!!! I wish I had had one! :)))

PS.: I'd be interested to know if it does work on a real 520ST....

Offline chrisNova777

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Re: cracked creator v1.3
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2017, 10:42:34 AM »
my dad worked for radio shack so he got the computers at cost from radio shack.. the tandy computer line..
they had tons of them here where i live as there was a head office for radioshack was here for all of canada i think

i had a few different Tandy 1000 models... first the HX model.. then the SX i think my dad would keep trading them back in and getting a better model etc because he could; eventually we had a tandy 3000 i think it was a 286 tho.. not a 386

i was first hooked on using it with SIERRA adventure games but i was 10 years old.. so thats my excuse :D lol
im actually trying to find a tandy system now for nostalgia purposes...but id be happy to just find any RGB EGA CRT type color disply from 88, 89, 90 time zone.. its a great time for computing memorie for me, i eventually was running a BBS from my bedroom with 2 phone lines active... most of this all done within DOS i think.. not even running on windows 3.1 - software was called "RemoteAccess" / "Spitfire BBS" / eventually one came out called ROBOboard i think that featured VGA graphics instead of EGA ANSI type graphics.. remoteAccess was the overall most popular at the time.
but anyway all of this is offtopic ;)

Offline Mixermap

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Re: cracked creator v1.3
« Reply #5 on: July 23, 2017, 04:41:30 AM »
Those Radio Shack PCs look really cool with the 5 1/4 drives!
in UK we had cheap Amstrad PCs but monitors had non-standard connectors because the PSU of the whole system was.....inside the monitor! :D

So the cannot be used nowadays with a TFT.

End of "Off Topic" Topic :)))

Offline Mixermap

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Re: cracked creator v1.3
« Reply #6 on: July 23, 2017, 05:21:45 AM »
Here are the extracted files from the above disk image.

Format a 720KB floppy IN A PC (Win 7, 8 and 10 cannot format a floppy at 720KB)
The floppy must be a DD disk NOT a 1.44 HD one.
Copy the files in the ZIP to the floppy.
Put the floppy in your Atari
(if you have any C-Lab dongles you can run the uncracked "CREATOR.PRG")
These files will work fine on an UltraSatan SD hard drive.

Offline chrisNova777

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Re: c-lab creator v1.3 (1988) for ATARI ST *cracked*
« Reply #7 on: August 08, 2017, 02:58:17 PM »
so wait - are you saying the cracked program wont run without a dongle of some sort attached?
but it doesnt have to be a notator dongle?

isnt the whole pt of a crack to make it so people can use the software without a dongle !! lol
i still dont have an atari or else i would try myself

Offline Mixermap

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Re: c-lab creator v1.3 (1988) for ATARI ST *cracked*
« Reply #8 on: August 09, 2017, 04:37:28 AM »
Sorry, what I wrote was a bit confusing.

There are two ways of running this version.

- To trigger the crack and use it WITHOUT dongle you must run it from the "1_LOADER.PRG" file which activates the crack. Apparently the crack works as a dongle emulator in memory.

- If you do have a dongle for ANY version of Creator / Notator then you can run "CREATOR.PRG" instead, which will trigger the UNCRACKED version which may be more stable.

That's quite handy :)

Offline chrisNova777

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Re: c-lab creator v1.3 (1988) for ATARI ST *cracked*
« Reply #9 on: August 09, 2017, 11:17:04 AM »
ok that makes alot more sense - thank u for clarifying!
i need an atari!

Offline Mixermap

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Re: c-lab creator v1.3 (1988) for ATARI ST *cracked*
« Reply #10 on: August 09, 2017, 02:43:33 PM »
You are quite right to say that they are rare over there!
I just checked and and there aren's ANY Atari STEs for sale at all!
Only a couple of old wrecked 520 STs.
However, the last one that popped up in the US went for a real bargain!!!
US$ 510 (around £400)

Just the original Cubase 3 for Atari included in this sale would fetch close to £300 here in UK!
Ant the ST itself is one of the "pimped" ones for music production.
It's so immaculately white! That would be worth close to £200.
Plus the Midex + expander (£80ca).

If you do find one, don't bother with the monitor if it save money on shipping.
You can get a cable that connects it to any VGA screen for about £20.

Good luck in your search :)

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Offline chrisNova777

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Re: c-lab creator v1.3 (1988) for ATARI ST *cracked*
« Reply #12 on: April 09, 2019, 12:31:40 AM »
well flash forward in time and  ive got the unitor-2 and a 1040 STE now
will be hoping to try this very soon; just waiting for my C-lab export to arive in the mail
and then i have to make the floppies for this.. and see if i can get it running
if not ill be in the market for a creator or notator dongle

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Re: c-lab creator v1.3 (1988) for ATARI ST *cracked*
« Reply #13 on: July 16, 2019, 05:08:59 AM »
got the C-LAB EXPORT aswell;
so ive got all the MIDI ports i can dream of on the ST!

A (built into the ST) plus ive got a custom cable splitting this out to MIDI OUT / MIDI THRU
B (c-lab export)
C (c-lab export)
D (c-lab export)
E (emagic unitor 2)
F (emagic unitor 2)
G (emagic LOG3)
G (2nd G output? for utilitarian purposes?)
H (emagic LOG3)
I (emagic LOG3)

that would make 9 x 16 = 144 midi channels
i dont think i need a LOG3 for now tho; thanks to "sittard 88"

trying to make the creator v1.3 disk now! with my win95 machine; using omnidisk? or winimage? hopefully?
update: got it all going; just tryin to learn how to use CREATOR now;)


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Re: c-lab creator v1.3 (1988) for ATARI ST *cracked*
« Reply #14 on: July 18, 2019, 08:56:02 AM »
Yooo i apprecaite the post. Does anyone know how to access hyperedit on this?

Offline chrisNova777

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Re: c-lab creator v1.3 (1988) for ATARI ST *cracked*
« Reply #15 on: August 04, 2019, 04:58:29 AM »
been trying to get familiar with this one on the 1040 STE lately